Did you know you can help Rocky Mountain Instrumental Music Boosters earn donations just by using your Fred Meyer Rewards Card? Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your card to our organization at www.fredmeyer.com/communityrewards You can search for us by name or by our non profit #85665. You still earn your regular rewards but FM adds to your purchase with ?directly to all ? ensembles! Just in time for holiday shopping!
Month: November 2017
Smile! Buy! And Donate!
The holiday season is fast approaching. Shop for everyone on your list at smile.amazon.com/ch/47-1245579 and Amazon donates to Rocky Mountain Instrumental Music Booster Incorporated.
Orchestra Retreat 2017
Even with the snowy weather the Orchestra Retreat was a success. About 30 students got to bond and receive one on one instruction. Thank you to the chaperones and staff that made this event possible.