Looking to sponsor the Rocky Mountain High School Instrumental Music Program? You can download the Sponsorship Flyer below and share it with the businesses you associate with, and/or frequent often.
RMHS Instrumental Music SponsorshipDownload
Sponsorship funds and business logos must be received by August 8th to make it onto the Sponsorship Banner for the 1st home football game for the upcoming season. Sponsorships can still be added after this initial date, but may not be displayed during football games depending on when they are received.
Sponsorships received after football season will still be included in basketball pep band games and remaining concert programs.
Up to 75% of Sponsorship funds you give or bring into the program can be used towards your student fees within the RMHS Music Program including Marching Band, Winter Guard, Concert Attire, Orchestra, Concert Band, Jazz Band, and out-of-town trips!
The Administrative Assistant (Rachel Pfleger) director_support@rmhsmusic.org, needs to know that you would like to use Sponsorship funds for any fees.
Questions about sponsorship opportunities?
Please contact our Fundraising Chairperson Rachael Wahab at fundraising@rmhsmusic.org , or the Booster Vice-President Kory Hall at vicepresident@rmhsmusic.org.